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Giniko GoogleTV Apps

- How to Install the Free Giniko App on Your Google TV

How to Watch Giniko on Your Google TV Device

You can download the Giniko streaming application directly from your Google TV. To do so, open the Google Play store from your device and type "Giniko" into the search bar.

After clicking the search button, you should see a list of results that includes the Giniko app. The app is called "Giniko TV - Watch Free TV."

Click on the icon to be taken to the application page in the Google Play Store. You will see a description and screenshots of the app, reviews by other users, and an install button that you can click to add the app to your device.

Upon completion of the installation, the Giniko app will be available in the My Apps section of your Google TV. The name of the application is "GINIKO TV."

Open the application to view a list of available channels, which are sorted in alphabetical order. Clicking on a channel will bring up another screen which displays the available live and recorded streams.

Clicking on a video immediately starts playback. You can use your Google TV remote to pause, play, rewind, and fast forward to any point in the video.